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The Davis method® is suitable for people of all ages, children, teenagers, and adults.

It uses the gift of thinking in pictures. 

It has been developed for dyslexics by dyslexic people .

The negative point of picture-thinking 

The negative point of picture-thinking is that sometimes the pictures get confused,

and that creates "disorientation"

a state of confusion, with perception disruption, and mixing of ideas.
Then how is it possible to read or behave correctly ?


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Davis Method®

The method I propose has been created by M. Ron Davis, dyslexic, who found a solution for himself. He realized that his method was working for all of the other people who asked for his help. He finally wrote these books : 

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The method is based on 2 elements : 

     know how to control the disorientation

     and get rid of the causes of the disorientation (the triggers).


You can find more details about the method on the site (in English)

"His method functions and has helped thousands of dyslexic people who suffered," said Catherine Dolto about this method.  

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The programs

The method is applied through an individual program of 30 hours, 5 days of 6 hours each.

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Attention deficit (ADHD)

Often, the person can read concrete words, even difficult ones, but has troubles reading abstract words, even easy ones.    


The triggers are the letters and the words that don't have an image, such as "the", or "on", or "that".



Dyscalculia is a disorder that manifests itself with numbers and mathematical signs. Calculations become impossible.


The triggers are figures and the notion of quantity. 

An ADHD child is not a child who has no attention, but a child who pays attention to something other than what is expected of him. On the contrary, he is very attentive to everything that happens around him. So you have to help him keep his attention on the right subject.


The triggers are poorly understood basic life concepts. 

The work begins with a first meeting, without commitment, to assess the needs of the child or adult and determine his objectives.​

It is important to create a change dynamic to break the old habits, and to practice the new solutions on a daily basis at the beginning. It is recommended to follow the program during 5 consecutive days if possible, approximately 6 hours per day.

During the workshop, we use a lot of modeling clay, which uses the creativity of the person in making "images" in 3 dimensions, which will be more easily assimilated.

Children or teenagers should be accompanied by an adult, who usually works with them.

At the end of the program, a work schedule is defined for monitoring and using the tools learned.

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